Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sandra Bullock

Alright Sandra, I’ll say it:
I did not go see your movie The Proposal.

Now before you flip a switch and choke me with that long lavaliere of yours, let me explain. I was on my way to the movie theater to see said movie, when a cheap jerk bumped ahead of me in line and made me drop my purse and stole the last ticket. Yeah, I know, it sucks. Yeah, I’m also surprised that it was actually sold out. But you know what I’m also surprised about? This little beauty right here:

Umm. What is this? Did you take a bed sheet, throw it over your shoulders and then belt it so it wouldn’t fall off? I mean, this dress isn’t terrible (it looks comfy at least, right?), but were the color-matching shoes really necessary? Cause it doesn’t seem nessa to me.

Kate Moss

So I know Kate Moss starts a lot of trends.

I just hope that women don’t start going around in lace dresses that show off their 20% off Walmart bra sets.

Whitney Port

I'm pretty sure Carrie Underwood already wore this:

My problem though, is why anyone would want to wear it again. This looks like a costume item from a disco diva musical gone horribly wrong. It’s just not pretty. I think my mother wore this when she went to her first disco bar and people mistook her for the disco ball. I just don’t comprehend how two people could possibly want to wear this dress. And yet, here she is, and here we are

Ashlee Simpson (...Wentz)

You know, Ashlee S-W is really starting to get up there with Audrina Patridge:

What is this? Is this even okay for a mom? Let me just like, clarify for you what this mother is wearing:
1. A leather bustier
2. A sparkly mini mini skirt
3. A long necklace that could be used as a sex toy
Is this okay?!?! No!!! She just needs to shape up and get her act together. This is ridiculous. I just…AHIADSFPU*9kedsiflobsyofpJKLSDUF^T&^&OLJKF. I CAN’T EVEN TALK.

Evan Rachel Wood


Alright. I think we can solve this Evan. It doesn’t have to be this way. Just…just slowly, take off the checkered collar and step away from the dark colors. Come towards me, come towards the light. I’ll help you, feed you, lend you my Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner. Lemme wipe off all that stuff on your face. Just…just keep calm.

Kate Beckinsale

YAWN. Booooriiiiing. If I could make a musical out of the word ‘boring,’ it would be inspired by this. How many times have we seen this look? Oh, about 10 gazillion times too many. Yes, you may look stunning, but it doesn’t hurt to look bad once in a while.

Whoa. Did I really just say that? It doesn’t hurt to look bad once in a while? See what you’ve caused me to do?! This is what happens when you dress like this! I’m going delusional!

Cameron Diaz

Oh, Cameron,

I know you are capable of doing better. I know. What happened to you prancing around at Shrek premieres in dresses that barely covered your ya-ya (ooooh. I just realized how childish that name sounded. But then again, I am sort of childish, so that doesn’t matter. Moving on.)? Just because you act as a mom in your movie doesn’t mean you have to dress like one. You’re at your prime! Live and let live! Go about in those skimpy little dresses of yours! They’re sure a heck of a lot better than this! I mean, this isn’t all bad. I like that skirt. That shirt makes your boobs look very big, but I think it would work wonders on someone like me (because I have none). But this look…just isn’t you Cameron.

Megan Fox

So this isn't bad:

Yes, it’s a lot a dark colors, but she looks hot and sexy without being skanky and trashy. And let it be known that I watched this interview, and she actually behaved herself very well. The only outbreak I remember was when she confessed to Lettermen she’s had a crush on him, Conan, and Leno since the mere age of three. But Megan will be Megan. So apart from that and her posing and staring coyly and provocatively (or as my dear sister put it, ‘Doesn’t she look kinda evil and devil-like?’), she was actually…charming, I thought. It was just too bad; she was only for like, 30 seconds because infamous Johnny Depp (my husband) was on for practically the entire show. But then again, I’m not complaining. And even though this post is supposed to be about Megan, lemme say this: he looked very good.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Inglourious Basterds

Let me say this first and foremost:

If you hate movies with violence, guts and gore, stay away from this movie by at least 100 yards.

This is, without a doubt, the most gory movie I have ever seen. There are scalps being, well, scalped, beatings with baseball bats, guns, Nazis getting the Swastika carved into their foreheads; all in all, it's a pretty violent, gritty, blood-red drive. But did I enjoy every minute of it?

Oh, yeah.

You must know that I am a total guys-movie girl. I mean, I have the most testosterone in the family when it comes to movies, as I always say. So of course I would love a movie like this. I mean, not only is it Quentin Tarantino, but it has more blood than Sweeney Todd and Dracula put together! It's practically movie heaven! Fortunately for me though, it's also not mindless, stupid action, which more and more movies nowadays seem to follow. This movie has a plot. It has substance. And damn goot plot substance, might I add.

Leuitenant Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) is the leader of a Jewish Nazi-killin' squad on a blood-fest, revenge spree, called 'The Basterds.' For the first half of the movie, all the really do is go around hunting for Nazis, killing and then scalping whoever they find. Eventually though (and with the help of Bridget von Hammersmark, a famous German actress played by a famous German actress, Diane Kruger), they get the fine idea of blowing up a special propaganda film movie premiere, which will host all the most prominent figures of the Third Reicht. Too bad for them, somebody else already came up with that idea. Enter Shosanna Dreyfus (Melanie Laurent), the Jewish owner of the cinema where the film will be premiering. Unknown to the Nazis whom she is surrounded by (and trust me, she's surrounded by a lot of them), many years ago she was in fact hiding underneath the floorboards of a friends' house to escape from the Germans wrath when they pulled out their machine guns on her and her hiding family. She got away and ran, the rest of her family perished. Needless to say, she's never quite forgiven the Nazis for doing that to her. There is especially one Nazi in particular, who seems to be getting in everyone's way: Colonel Hans Landa (Christopher Waltz), a detective known teasingly as 'The Jew Hunter.' Yes, he is the man behind the death of Shosanna's family, and yes, he is the main antagonist, and finally yes, he is perhaps the most polite Nazi you will ever meet. Going back to Shosanna now (stay with me here), in order to get revenge for her poor family's doom, she too decides to blow up her cinema. Except instead of using bombs and guns like The Basterds will, she decides to use nitrate film. Oh, for those of you who don't know, nitrate film burns fast. Real fast. You set fire to that, you set fire to the whole building.

Now, I've provided the most basic plotline I could for this movie. Seeing as it's a Tarantino movie, it's no surprise it's still complicated even at its simplest. But trust me, while you're watching this movie everything clicks together and makes sense. And even if you don't, you get the help of nifty little name titles in big, bold font on the middle of the screen that name people and events.

Let's move onto the acting then, shall we? Brad Pitt: uh, WOW. I always knew I loved him, but now I really love him even more. I remember a friend said to me once, "Brad Pitt is a character actor inside a leading man's body." This movie just proves that even more. He is a mean and gritty character who only wants to make those Nazis (or, as he says, "Gna-zee") feel the pain that his fellow Jewish friends did. Equally as good is his enemy, Col. Landa played by the exceptional Christopher Waltz. This is not your typical enemy. This enemy is very nice. Well, that is unless he finds you guilty. But if not, he will very kindly order you strudel and make nice conversation with you. There is no other actor I think who could've portrayed the part better. Waltz makes his bad guy so nice and polite, it's creepy. I was always just waiting for him to crack and lose it. And when he does, he's even better.

Diane Kruger is finally able to show off her skills in acting (since she wasn't able to do it very much in National Treasure), and it's not bad. I bet many people were distracted too much by her pretty face, but she's not bad. She is a little outshone by the rest of the galavanting cast, but she does her best and her best is quite fine. Melanie Laurent was wonderful, capturing the essence of someone always reminded of her painful past. Her face remains grim and constantly vexed the entire film, it's only at the films hot (literally) climax does she let out a laugh -- a maniacal one at that, too. The Basterds themselves look like they're just having a blast. Honestly, who wouldn't? You get to tromp around, bashing brains in, inspiring fear into everyone crosses your path.

But my favorite part of the movie would have to be Tarantino's direction. Yes, there are many elements that you could find in his other movies, like the 'Chapter' segments, or the cheesy titles to introduce characters, or the retro soundtrack with many spaghetti western songs (which I have no problem with, since I grew up listening to those). At first, I thought Tarantino was just being very reminiscent to Kill Bill or Pulp Fiction. But then, I realized: all these itty bitty factors that contribute to the overall look of this movie? It's just part of his style. You can't take it away. That'd be like taking darkness away from Tim Burton or animation away from Andrew Stanton. It just wouldn't be right. So now, I welcome these little elements, from the beautiful homage close-ups of faces (of which there are many) to his little fetish for feet shots. And these elements combined with the acting, creative plot, and violence festival?

One kick-ass movie.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Blake Lively

Oh my god.

I think I just heard the hallelujah choir strike up. Blake Lively. You look hot. I mean, you’re just a naturally hot person, but that’s just it. For once, you’re not posing awkwardly, dressed badly, or badly done up in the hair and make-up categories. You look GOOOOOOOD. Honestly, this is the best I’ve seen you in a long time, and this is so good it makes up for ALL the mishaps.
Lively, it’s good to have you back.

Evan Rachel Wood


It appears as if we have another contender in the race for best cockatoo hair against Rihanna and Lady Gaga. May the best bird flip win.

Lucy Liu

Okay, now this is either mad or brilliant. I can’t tell if she either forgot to wash her boobs so there’s mold sprouting from her bosom like newborn flowers or if she spilled marshmallow fluff all over herself. But the bottom of that dress is so flattering and curve-hugging…I can’t make up my mind. What do you guys think?

Evan Rachel Wood



Demi Lavato

Alright, this is officially the most worn dress of the ages. Rihanna, it looked cool on. Paris, it was okay on. But Demi Lavato? What is she, twelve? No! She should not be wearing dresses that 20-something year olds are wearing! Don’t turn into Miley Cyrus! You’re actually semi-adorable on that tv show of yours, Sonny With A…Luck? Fortune? Ahh, whatever it is. GAH! And look at the shoes she’s wearing! Those are like, the official hooker shoes of the ages! Why?! How?! Demi, why can’t you be more like (can’t believe I’m saying this) Selena for once, and just pretend you’re a pretty little princess with magical ponies? The name of your movie has the word ‘princess’ in it. So why can’t you dress more like one instead of…this?

Molly Sims

Hmm. Uhh. Well then. Uh- WOW. Sorry. I just-

I didn’t know anyone else could be more obsessed with Marilyn Monroe than Megan Fox.

Megan Fox

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Megan. We were doing so well. And now you have to go and do this?!?! No!!!! This is NOT okay!!! This goes beyond Lisa Rinna crotchiness. This is just bad. Bad, bad , bad, bad, bad. At any second, there could be an updraft of wind and guess what? You’re left defenseless. The paparazzi would not only get a nice shot of your crotch for a good three seconds, but of your buttocks as well because that slit may as well be hovering over your crack. I don’t even care about the fact that your nipples are showing (for now); this slit problem is just too much. You know what? Fine! I try to help you, you’re doing fine, everyone thinks you look hot, and then BOOM! Instant and epic failure. I hope you’re happy. I hope you’re happy, because you won’t be receiving MY help anymore! So Megan, I have only one last thing to say to you: Goodbye, and good riddance!

P.S. But of course, if you ever feel like calling me for some advice and beg for forgiveness, I’d be glad to help you. Or if you even if you just want to talk about how you get your legs so fit and nice and give me a few hints.
Now really, goodbye!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Movie Review: Ponyo

So let me start by saying I am one of Hayao Miyazaki's biggest fans. No joke; I have a movie poster of Ponyo that I got for free at a movie theater taped up to my wall and have seen almost all of his movies in English AND Japanese. So let's hope I'm not biased too much.

Ponyo, a movie based off the story of The Little Mermaid, is a pure delight. Ringing in at an hour and forty minutes, it's not too long and not too short; just the right time for a children's movie. Yes, it is a children's movie. You can tell by the relatively simple plot (actually, very simple that I'm debating whether or not it had a real conflict or not, but more on that later), the bright colors, the minimal and unfussy drawing techniques (not so much textures and shadings as his more intense movies, such as Howl's Moving Castle), and the fact that the two main stars in this movie are, in fact, kids.

Five year-olds, to be precise. Sosuke, voiced by Frankie Jonas (yes, he's the little brother to THE Jonas Brothers), and Ponyo herself, voiced by Noah Lindsey Cyrus (yes, she's the little sister to THE Miley Cyrus), star as the kid and the mermaid who fall in love with each other, causing said mermaid to become human for her friend. The plot, as I said before, is simple enough so that the other five year-olds who also went to see the movie didn't ask their "mommies" or "daddies" what was going on every five seconds. Simple enough though, that my sister turned to me as the credits were rolling and said, "As much as I loved this, was there even a conflict?" Since I am such a huge Miyazaki fan, my instinct was to puff up my chest and defend the plot, excusing it by saying, "It's a children's movie, it has to be simple." To which she replied, "But was there even an obstacle?"

Now it was my turn to think. Was there? Well let's see. Ponyo is a princess goldfish and is the daughter of the powerful sea-wizard, Fujimoto (voiced impeccably by Liam Neeson) and the even more powerful sea-goddess, Gran Mamare (Cate Blanchett, doing a voice very close to the one she used in Lord of the Rings). She is brought ashore one day and is caught by a young boy named Sosuke, whose mother Lisa is voiced by the lovely Tina Fey. Eventually, Ponyo turns into a real girl and stays with Sosuke and Lisa during a terrible sea-storm, which gives opportunities for Ponyo to show off her humorous side (which I laughed very hard at). So far, we have no conflicts. But what about when Gran Mamare and Fujimoto confer with each other about Ponyo's human-ness? Umm...nope, no problem there either. But what about the fact that Ponyo's powers have grown while being human and that if she stays human her powers will continue to grow out of control and cause the moon to get closer and closer to earth which causes the ocean water to swell and flood cities and won't stop unless Ponyo goes back home or stays with Sosuke if he proclaims his love for her? Well, that could be your problem right there. Hah, take that sister! Although, one must agree; it is presented so simplistically, one would have a hard time to acknowledge it.

But is that a bad thing? No, I actually praise Miyazaki for that. If it were complicated into a huge complex series of problems, my little baby cousins and the rest of the five year-olds watching it might have no clue what's going on. Because after all, it is a children's movie. Not a romantic love story like Howl's, not the whimisical tall-tale that is My Neighbor Totoro, but a children's movie.

So how do I rate it? Well, it's certainly not my favorite (that would be Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle), but it definitely ranks as one of the highest. Although, all Miyazaki films rank the highest for me. Because Miyazki just happens to be one of the best film makers of our time. So what better excuse do you need to go take your little baby siter and go see it?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kirsten Dunst

I like this.

From the neck down and crotch up. I think that dress is wickedly cool and belongs in an art show. But those shoes look like something that belongs in Star Trek: The Adventures of Porn Planet and her make-up is looking like Evan Rachel Woods’. That eyeliner is certainly more than Captain Sparrow wears on any day, and that’s even more blush than I’ve ever seen on Sienna Miller. And that’s saying something. Point is, I think I would’ve given this a thumbs up. But then Kirsten had to go ruin it by adding that make-up and those shoes. In situations like this, my sister and I often sing a special song we made up to show our (un)appreciation: way to go _____, way to go! *clap clap*. So in this case it would be:
Way to go kirsten, way to go! *clap clap.*


Because everyone feels like going apeshit sometimes.

Jessica Simpson

Jessica. I know you haven’t been doing so well with music lately, and that everyone thinks you’re fat. I disagree – I think we should embrace womanly curves, not tabloid and scrutinize them – but that’s beside the point. The point is, just because there’s some ill news about you doesn’t mean you have to try to grab more attention by wearing little snafus like this:

I mean, there is just so much wrong with this, the biggest being that you’re wearing no pants when that is obviously a shirt to be worn with pants. Honey. You vag is this close to freedom. It’s gonna fight and rebel for a revolution. Another problem are those shoes. I don’t mind crazy-high platforms (I actually quite enjoy a few), but I think they should only be worn by those who have the natural ability never ever ever fall down in them. Like Victoria Beckham. But she’s an alien. So, she doesn’t even really count. I’m just so scared you’re going to trip in those babies and your tunic/shirt/not-dress is going to fly up and expose everything. Please Jessica; let’s try to cover it up, shall we?

Victoria Beckham

Ahh, I was beginning to wonder where she’d gotten to. Thankfully, she hasn’t changed. I see her hair is still freakishly short, her boobs are still popping out at abnormal angles with nipples and all, and she's still wearing shoes that are probably as tall as my grandmother. Thank you Beckham, I think that’s all.

Megan Fox

YAYYY!! This is also good! See, you can be incredibly sexy and hot and modest at the same time (still ignoring the hair)! I’m so proud of you! You’re going so far! I THINK I’M GONNA CRY.

Heather Graham

Ooooh. Heather. This is just NOT flattering at all. Not only are your nipples completely unhidden (hello, girls! It’s called a bra! You can get them at your nearest Walmart!), but this is loose and tight in all the wrong places. For instance: that area in the stomach area? Yeah, that should be tighter. But that one around the crotch bone? That should be looser. We don’t want an outline of your baby maker. Please keep it hidden for the kids’ sakes.

Ashley Tisdale

Oh, Ashley.

I don’t know whether to laugh sinisterly or cry manically. Laugh, because of the outrageous and utterly hilarious way you’re dressed, or cry, because you still haven’t yet learned to tame the mane. Why not just cut it all off instead, eh?

Megan Fox

YAYYYY!!! SEE?!? This basically makes me want to jump off my bed (even though I know I won’t, since I’m so incredibly lazy) and leap for joy with my stuffed tea party animals sitting patiently on my desk. This is what happens when Megan Fox dresses nicely! (We’ll worry about her hair some other time). See, her dress covers all that needs to be covered in a nice, flattering way, she adds a cool belt, a charming and modest cardigan, sweet shoes, and a killer smile and she’s all good! See, I knew it could happen, I just knew it.


Oh, wait everybody – it’s just a belt.

Rumer Willis


Is it just me, or does it look like Rumer Willis’s dress is giving me the finger?

Megan Fox

As if it couldn’t get any worse.

Listen to me Meghan, I beg of you; you are gorgeous. You have one of the prettiest faces I’ve ever seen and, even for coming from a woman, a smoking hot body. So why, why why why why why why why why do you go about presenting yourself like this? I actually like this dress very much, ignoring the Lisa Rinna-crotch problem. But just look at yourself in the mirror. No, all that make-up does not look good on you. No, your hair doesn’t look good that big and poufy. No, you most certainly do not want a tattoo sleeve of Marilyn Monroe faces along your arms. I don’t mind sleeves (I personally am not a fan, but I’m not going around with a pick axe commanding people not to do it or else they’ll feel the wrath of my little friend), but please, God please, NOT of Marilyn. That one is already enough. Why can’t you just hire yourself a nice stylist and clean up nice and elegantly? Angelina did it! I’m sure you can!

Lauren Conrad

Wait…haven’t we seen this before?

Whoa. What is this LC? I just don’t get it. I’ve never liked you very much (I’m just putting it frankly), but really, what happened to those days at Teen Vogue? I mean, at least there you dressed nicely. You just look…nehhh. Your hair is in dire need of both a dye touch-up and BIG TIME trim, as well as your dress. Yeah, especially your dress that you probably have in twenty-something colors. I bet if Yao Ming lifted you up five feet off the ground, your skirt would still be dragging. See that purple stuff on the bottom? That’s from dragging it behind in the Grapefruit soda spill. Do us a favor; HEM IT.

Amanda Seyfried

So uhh…I think I love this.

It’s just so adorable and right and appropriate for her. And, I just want to CHOP OFF ALL HER HAIR AND SHAVE MINE OFF AND SEW HERS ONTO MINE. Hmm. Wasn't I thinking about the same thing the other day, only about Chloe Sevingy’s legs? I’m just going to be a whole different person one day (literally), with Amanda’s hair, Chloe’s legs, Keira’s face, Jessica’s (Biel) boobs (or Angie’s or Salma’s; they’re all very nice), Hathaway’s eyes, Alba’s perky butt…I will be the perfect specimen. No one will surpass me in beauty! NO ONE! HAHAHA!!!! Oh right. Where was I? Oh, ahem, yes of course. Seyfried. Yes, well…hmmm, I guess I already said it. I really love this.

Chloe Sevigny

Um. Chloe. I know I should love and cherish you but…really? I wonder if she got hooked on drugs or something. I mean…well…firstly, you’re hair doesn’t even look that good as usual. I bet she shaved it off. It’s probably a wig. People magazine did a pretty accurate description for describing it as a ‘do that can "compete with Donald’s." Except even Trump’s is better than this. And Chloe, what’s with all these scallops? I let you go the first couple hundred times, but really, are you that much in the mood for scalloped potatoes? It’s the drugs. They’re shaped like scallops. She can’t stop obsessing over them now. And I’ve heard of short shorts, but honey, those are just enough to make me wonder your vag will come out singing ‘Hello Dolly!’ Hehe. Which would actually be pretty funny if you think about it. Lastly, your shade of skin is enough to compare with Michael Kors. Not Valentino, mind you, but still. Bad enough. Just…run along home and take off this concoction, go back to your real, lovely hair, and wipe off your spray tan with the hotel towel. You’ll feel much better, I promise.

Kristen Bell & Katy Perry

Today, we have two cases of ‘Nothing-in-this-outfit-matches-with-other-things-in-this-outfit’ syndrome. I’ll start with the easier to handle:

Kristen Bell. You should be really adorable. And yet you’re not. I just don’t get it. Just…nothing goes together in this. Not your shoes, your belt, your necklace, your candy-striped bag, or your cloudy sky dress. Did your stylist really add all these non-matching accessories to this? I just can’t believe it. Just why why why why WHY.
Next: Katy Perry.

Although, I should hardly be surprised by this. She never matches, it’s just a fact. If you looked Katy Perry up in the dictionary, it’d say ‘un-matchiness’ (right next to ‘kooky’ and ‘neurotic’ of course). But really, this doesn’t even look like she tried. Her dress looks like it’s spewing her innards, she’s wearing librarian tights (as I call them, since those are the tights I find most of the librarians I know wear) and shoes, that although cute, don’t do anything. At least she puts some effort into her other outfits, y’know? At least she tries to be kooky and neurotic and un-matchy. This is just a huge let-down for me.

Audrina Patridge


Well, now that I’ve written it down, that sounds a lot more amusing than I had hoped it would. BUT STILL. You get my point.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Eva Mendes

I think I rather like this.

Her dress is actually not architectural modern Calvin Klein gunk (alright, I’m sorry Calvin; you’re never gunk. I am merely irritated by the fact that she almost never wears anything but you) and her hair and make-up really bring out her natural beauty. But I’m gonna be completely honest with you here: my favorite part of this picture is Bradley Cooper staring groggily and sexily (is that even possible?!?!) into the camera. I mean, who isn’t excited for this movie?!?! I can’t WAIT for this movie. I’m gonna be there opening day, purse stuffed with snacks so I won’t have to pay for expensive theater food at hand, and sit down and watch and thoroughly enjoy this movie. I mean, first of all, Justin Bartha is in it. And I don’t know if you know, but I certainly know that I love him ever since he played Riley and National Treasure. Now you’re all nodding your heads and smiling and saying: ‘Ooooh, I know that guy!’ Uh huh. HE is my reason for going. No, that’s not true. The movie actually looks genuinely funny, but he’s also a main reason. And I just realized this post totally veered off course from Eva. Hehe. Sorry, Eva. You still look nice.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ooooooooolsen Twins

You know, I oddly love this:

Mary-Kate actually looks, dare I say it, relatively normal. She’s wearing a dress (I’m pretty sure at least, it’s very covered), I’m not sure what’s on it but never mind that, she’s wearing a jacket that isn’t too big for her, she’s carrying a something that actually looks like a bag, her shoes (although CRAZILY high) are nice, I guess, her hair looks normal for once, and I strangely don’t have a problem with those glasses and find them curiously adorable. It’s a tribute to John Lennon; who doesn’t love John Lennon? As for the other sister:

Well Ashley, I can actually say for once that I like your sister’s outfit better than yours.
Wait, I think the world just stopped turning.
Now that it’s back in motion and rotating like it should be, lemme just tell you why I don’t like this. 1. Oh my god, I just realized I don’t have enough reasons to start a list because you’re barely wearing anything but a stupid dress! Garrghhh!!! I wish I could find something, just one, itty bitty thing to complain about but I can’t because this is so boring!!! Sigh. Just…go. Leave. Go have fun with your boyfriend. I can’t…I can’t deal with this right now.

Zoe Saldana

I’m going to state this simply: I think this is quite divine.

Let’s start from the top and work our way down. Her hair is lovely and retro and not messy, like so many hairs (real word?) are nowadays. Her make-up is stunning. That is such a good color on her and brings out her wonderful complexion. That dress is form-fitting and pretty and not too elaborate. Those shoes are killer. Not COVET mind you, but killer. WHY CAN’T PEOPLE DRESS MORE LIKE THIS?!?!?! IS IT REALLY THAT HARD TO DO?!?! Says the girl currently typing this in her Cabbage Patch Kids pajamas. GRRRR. SHUT UP.

Zoe Saldana

Emma Watson

So before I say anything, just let it be known that I love Emma Watson to death because she’s so adorable and I can’t picture anyone else as Hermione except I do wish her hair were a bit frizzier like it was in the first movie but anyways I love her and yeah. Moving on:

This…is actually not all that bad. Yes, she may have encountered a loose gorilla or orangutan on her way here, but it’s not terrible. On the plus side: I love her shoes. That’s one of my favorite shades of blue. The idea is creative, and I like the bottom half in general. The bad side: her hair is sorta messy. The sash reminds me of Miss California stumbling for an answer to world peace. Only one of her boobs is completely covered. And, as said before, she looks like she got slashed by Edward Scissorhands. Tally up: the bad side wins, just by one point. Arghhhaasdfaaihvcuxa. Drat, and I actually wanted the good side to win.

Britney Spears

Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of this:

Is it inventive? Yes, but it’s also psychotic. Is it ostentatious and impressive? Yes, but it’s also reminding me of my nutcracker going off to the rodeo and forgetting his pants. I actually think I would like this (as a SHOW costume, COME ON PEOPLE) if not for
a.) That hat
b.) Those sunglasses (impersonating Corey Delany, perhaps?)
c.) The black yak that was hunted and skinned and pinned to her shoulders. May he rest in peace.

Ashley Tisdale


I like how Ashley Tisdale is posing for this as if it were an actual photo shoot. But…dude, she has actual wind in her hair. Where did she get the wind from? Does she carry a mini carry-a-fan-for-me-wherever-I-go man with her at all times? Good idea. Must keep that in mind. Meanwhile, I saw that trailer for the new alien movie she’s in. All I can say is this:
Ha. Nice try.


Oh Fergie Ferg.

So you decided to wear a bandage dress that looks as if you tragically got caught between a group of children and their streamers on the day of the Celebration for H2O Parade. Uh huh. See if I care. Go ahead and turn into the next Katy Perry. Your loss.

Sandra Bullock

Something about this oddly reminds me of a drunken Holly Golightly.

It looks to me as if dear Ms. Golightly (or as Mickey Rooney would say, ‘Missus Gowrighwrey!’) found a bar down in Brooklyn, tried her first cosmopolitan, and simply went at it. After, at about, say, four in the morning, Paul Pepard found her on fifth avenue looking up at the Tiffany store, except this time she’d accidentally stepped on the tail of her gown and ripped it and she’d left her nice pearls at home and replaced them with cheap tacky ones from CVS. And yet somehow, through it all, I still manage to find dear Sandra Bullock charming. Go figure.


The world's greatest mystery:

How did Beyonce get those pants on? The world may never know.


Oh, Rihanna.

We were all fans of Elvis, but did you have to take it this far?

Katie Holmes


At least she’s not wearing those ripped pants anymore, right?

Marisa Tomei

Ah, shit.

Marisa Tomei has fallen prey to the sewn-just-for-you-honeychubs grandmother sweater. My deepest condolences, Marisa.

Claire Danes

So I think I love this:

Now hear me out, because I know the most of you know I’m not a big fan of hers; first of all, I think the color is lovely, the dress is simple but has just enough flavor to keep it from being boring, and I think her hair looks really pretty; second of all, I just saw Romeo and Juliet again, and I’d forgotten how much I loved it. Claire Danes, I love you again. But only for a short time.

Lindsay Lohan

What the...ughhhh. As if one of these trends weren't bad enough:

A jumpsuit with harem pants. I think I'll go drive off a cliff now.

Ashlee Simpson

When I saw this, I thought it was Mischa Barton.
That’s all.