Friday, August 7, 2009

Emma Watson

So before I say anything, just let it be known that I love Emma Watson to death because she’s so adorable and I can’t picture anyone else as Hermione except I do wish her hair were a bit frizzier like it was in the first movie but anyways I love her and yeah. Moving on:

This…is actually not all that bad. Yes, she may have encountered a loose gorilla or orangutan on her way here, but it’s not terrible. On the plus side: I love her shoes. That’s one of my favorite shades of blue. The idea is creative, and I like the bottom half in general. The bad side: her hair is sorta messy. The sash reminds me of Miss California stumbling for an answer to world peace. Only one of her boobs is completely covered. And, as said before, she looks like she got slashed by Edward Scissorhands. Tally up: the bad side wins, just by one point. Arghhhaasdfaaihvcuxa. Drat, and I actually wanted the good side to win.

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