Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Models

An entrance into the thought of a supermodel's mind:
Kirsten McMenamy: I really hope people understand the message I was trying to convey through my clothes.
Ambera Valleta: Look! I can see my toes!
Kirsten M.: I was inspired by the starving children in third world countries, and how they must drink the unsanitary water of the rivers in which animals poop and pee in.
Shalom Harlow: Okay, remind me to kill my stylist.
Kirsten M.: Notice how I intentionally didn't wash my hair to get the same effect the children in Africa have.
Shalom H.: I mean, seriously; did she not get the memo this is to celebrate the Model as a Muse? Not to celebrate Morticia Addams the Hunchback of Hot and Stuffy Dresses?
Stella Tennant: I really hope photographers don't get the impression that I'm with Shalom.
Amber V.: They're so cute when I wiggle them!
Stella T.: I mean, what is she wearing? Did she think it was going to be -130 degrees Celsius tonight? And she is clutching onto my arm. It hurts. I just hope the paparazzi doesn't make anything out of this.
Kirsten M.: Also notice how the configurations of my dress match those of the patterns of the Ndebili tribe in the corner of Africa on the tribal dresses they use to celebrate the harvesting of the Great Pumpkin.
Natalia Vodianova: Somebody please tell the photographers to stop taking pictures so I can stop smiling for a second.
Shalom H.: Did someone just turn up the thermostat in here? Because I swear it just got hotter.
Stella T.: Did Shalom just ask who turned up the thermostat? We're outside...
Kirsten M.: It was made from the womb strings of an unladen water buffalo.
Amber V.: I'm so glad I chose the color Peach Powder Puff!
Nadja Auermann: This is great. I'm the dressed best person here!
Natasha V.: I'm serious. My cheeks hurt.
Nadja A.: Watch me while I pose fabulously.
Amber V.: It really brings out the color of follicles!
Eva Herzigova: This is embarrassing. Being models, we certainly don't look very model-esque.
Kirsten M.: I just hope people don't think I was going for the Bride of Frankenstein, or anything.
Eva H.: I mean, since we're models aren't we supposed to have some sense of how to dress ourselves?
Kirsten M.: Because that would completley ruin the purpose.
Shalom H.: I think I just sweated through my first layer of ruffles.
Nadja A.: Pose!
Natasha V.: All right, that's it; I'm outta here.
Kirsten M.: Because my ghostly white fried hair and ballistic white dress definitely don't suggest that I'm a vengeful bride coming back from the dead, right? RIGHT?! Because they were made FOR THE STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA!
Eva H.: I don't know these people.
Amber V.: They're still wiggling!
(*editor's note -- models from left to right are: Kirsten McMenamy, Amber Valletta, Shalom Harlow, Stella Tennant, Natasha Vodianova, Nadja Auermann, and Eva Herdigoze. In case you didn't know.)

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