Friday, September 18, 2009

Jennifer Hudson

So I'm a big Jennifer Hudson fan. When she debuted in Dreamgirls, I was going crazy for her and couldn't help but think: "DAAAAAAAAANG." She's talented (that doesn't even begin to describe it), she's big and beautiful, she's a proud mama, and she seems like the type of person I could bump into in the street when I'm having a bad day and she'll be all like "Come here and let mama give you a big hug!"
So, when seeing this:

I'm pained. Really, from knees up she looks FANTASTIC. I mean, this woman just gave birth to a baby and look how GREAT she looks. Her make-up is really nice I think, this dress isn't overly shiny and sparkly (you know I tend to hate over-sparkly), and, of course, you can't deny her lovely ladies are looking extremely nice and perky today. But, then our eyes scan down and find those wretched little boots. Quite frankly, I'm not sure why one would wear thigh high boots with a dress that already covers a lot. Show some leg! Let the men drool a little! Because Jennifer, I hate to say but those boots REEEEALLY make your little legs look like little chicken bones. They are tiiiiiiiny. That's not good. Here, I'll lend you some of my make-believe Louboutins to wear, and you can just repay my giving me another big mama hug.

Miley Cyrus

Quite honestly, I'm through with crticizing her. I'm more curious to see where she's going with this and what she's going to end up like in 10 years.

Julianne Moore

Oh, Julianne:

And everything had been going so well. Julianne, you can't simply take your bed sheets and wrap them around yourself in a geisha-like toga like a kid in a ghost costume on Halloween. It just can't be done.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Megan Fox

Alright, so let's not try to deny it:

Megan Fox is looking pretty foxy here. That dress is actually not too bad (almost...cute???) and she looks nice. But really, how can anyone focus on Megan outside of Jennifer's Body? You can ONLY talk about Megan in that movie now, no one talks about her REAL life anymore. I can't tell you how many of my friends (all guys) are super-duper excited to see this movie. Wanna know why? Only for two reasons:
Megan Fox cannibalism and lesbian kiss.
Really, you can't blame them It's pretty much impossible to not like Megan Fox if you're of the male species. It's like, in their BLOOD to find Megan Fox the hottest babe ever to roam the galaxy. So, Megan, I will give you this -- yes, you look good here; but don't be expecting to impress many guys with it; they're all too busy watching the Jennifer's Body trailer for the 1,678th time.

Victoria Beckham

This just made my day.

Y'see, I love little numbers like this because it means I will be able to use many, many, many tags. Those boots will certainly get a few, as will her tan, hair, make-up, and her dress, of course. In fact, don't even pay attention to the post. Just go straight to the tags.
AHHHHH, STUPID RULES WON'T LET ME HAVE OVER 200 CHARACTERS FOR TAGS. Alright, just know that the orignial length of tags was MUCH longer.

Julianne Moore


Excuse me, I must rejoice for this. She's talented, she's gorgeous, she's a redhead, and she looks reeeeeeeeeeeeally nice here and I love her so so so much and I wish she would just be in every single movie I watch so I could actually bear and tolerate movies like Transformers 2: Revenge of Stupidity and I wish she would finally win a DAMN OSCAR and I loooooooooooooooooooove her.
If I were Shiva I would have four thumbs up, but alas I only have two.

Audrey Tatou

Poor Audrey.

That cuckoo didn't just fly over the nest, it built one right on her head.

Rachel McAdams

Ughhhh; Rachel, why do you DO this to me?!

This is not flattering at ALL. Your arms look a lot shorter than they should, your curves are unfortunately completely hidden by that potato sack, and it's not even CUTE. I mean, it's kinda alright when people where clothes that are unflattering but the actual idea is really cool, but this is just BAD. Whoever told you it was okay to wear Eric Bana's night shirt has it out for you. Please; but on a nice, cute dress and flouce around and smile with that pretty grin of yours. You can't DO this to me.

Jessica Szohr

Why, hello Jessica Szohr. Maybe you didn't get the memo, or maybe you've just been hiding in your closet for the past ten years -- but either way, I feel the need to tell you something that may just change your entire fashion life style:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lady Gaga

Dear Lady Gaga,

Please remember that inappropriate Victoria Secret bras, lace masks, and trash bags are not part of the public-outing clothing domain the next time you are releashed from your cage. Thank you.

Rachel Bilson

I am not sure what went wrong here. I'm also not sure if it could've been saved to start with. Apparently, Big Bird was going to band camp and I didn't know about it.

I feel like this would've been really cute if she'd lost the jacket. Really, that jacket is what's really dragging this whole thing down. It's like, one of those items you get at a thrift store just to say you got it at a thrift store. 'I'm so cool because I bought this [insert very ugly and matronly clothing item here] at a thrift store because I'm just economically and fashion savvy. HA.' No, honey. You only go to a thrift store if you NEED to go there, not to be fashionably correct. This looks like it used to belong an 80 year-old piano teacher her conducts the elementary school band on the side, except they couldn't afford really nice and uniforms and Professor Harold Hill is never there when you need him, and so she had to dig around a dusty old drama closet and came up with this. Of course, I'm all for saving money and buying cheap -- you know, I'm the master of sale items. Go straight to the fifty percent off section every time. Whoo! -- but Rachel Bilson, you don't need to go cheapo. You've got money. Tons of it. You were once on the biggest TV show of the time and live with one of the main stars of the Star Wars merchandise. Live it up. Spend on good, quality pieces; not snafus like this.

Blake Lively vs. Kelly Ripa

Two dresses, two events, two lovely ladies (one gorgeously unfairly pretty, the other with biceps to rival Rocky's), one designer. Observe: we have the fair Blake Lively against the chipper and...muscular Kelly Ripa. Designer? Victoria Beckham -- yes, the same one who strides around town in galavanting steps and wears high heels as tall as my abdomen. Apparently, she makes dresses designed to sculpt and curve the body well. Very well. As in, can't-breathe-in-it-without-an-oxygen-mask well. But! they're not too shabby. But enough yammering; onto the good stuff!

Contestant #1:

Um. Blake Lively, can I marry you? No, seriously. This is hotter than a sunny, cloudless day in the middle of the Sahara desert with no water to quench one's parched lips and an impending heat stroke and you're dying and crawling and begging for some liquid to drink but there is none and you die and shrivel up in the scalding sun. Please, have my babies.

Contestant #2:

So, I know it might seem impossible to compare with Blake in this case, but Kelly is doing the best she can. The dress is fine and shiny and purple and not boring. Her hair is glossy. Her skin is nice and glowy. Her biceps are definitely not in the need of improvement. But, unfortunately, I believe this battle was already won as soon as Blake stepped out onto the floor.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Olsen Twins

I am...actually relatively impressed by this.
Sure, hair roots are showing, Ashley's wearing a moth-eaten sweater, and Mary-Kate's wearing a vampire's kimono; but look on the bright side of things: Mary-Kate doesn't look like a zombie with make-up done by Marilyn Manson, both are in things I could actually comprehend myself wearing, Ashley has reeeeally nice legs, and both have STELLAR AMAZING SPECTACULAR shoes. Especially MK. I would eat banana peels with slices of moldy blue cheese smothered in rotten nutella for them. I know, I'm so gross. But for those shoes? Oh yeah.
All in all, I believe we should be thankful they're not coming out in witch costumes or bunny ears or trash bags or something. They look normal (for the most part). And for that, I approve.
*Editor's Note*: Believe it or not, a little while after this outing Ashley and Mary-Kate actually DID wear bunny ears to an event. Ha! am I psychic or what?

Tori Spelling

I am…hesitant about this:

It makes me think Oh yes, Tori finally dresses her age! But then at the same time I’m thinking Oh no, Tori finally dresses her age. For although she’s covering up everything today, this is…a bit too matronly. I feel as if I’ve taken a time warp back to the roaring 20’s, or at least trip to my local community theater’s Chicago. Is she going to start swinging her pearl lavaliere all seductively, then just trick me and choke me while screaming that I was a back-stabbing whore of a bitch who cheated with her husband? Or will she pull me up on the dance floor and show me how to do the tipsy Charleston after a few glasses? I really wish it were the second one, but that soap show may have really affected her…

Olivia Palermo

I believe Oliva Palermo must be a big fan of the boarding school she went to:

Because CLEARLY she wouldn’t be wearing a bowtie, peter-pan collar, school stripes, and oxfords for fun. NO ONE wears bowties for fun except Playboy bunnies and Boo Boo Bear. Personally, I think the dress would be fine (ish) if worn WITHOUT the bowtie and was cinched with a belt. And if worn properly with heels. But who knows. Maybe Back-to-School wear is coming back nowadays, and I’m just lethargically dragging behind on trends. My September Issue of Vogue just came a few days ago and I finally have time to read it. Maybe it will ENLIGHTEN me on this trend. Maybe, I will be able to COMPREHEND the inspiration behind this. But honestly, I just CAN’T wrap my head around the fact that someone would WANT to go around looking like an eager young mind.

Diane Kruger

So first off, let me say the Kruger was totally ADORABLE in this interview with Letterman. Secondly, I’d like it to be put in notion that Diane looks strangely nice here:

It’s Chanel, so obviously that makes me a little biased towards it. But come on. Those sleeves are a sexy take on keeping your arms warm (although…I’m a bit hesitant on why the backside is black. Was Karl unable to make up his mind, or did he simply figure he’d do something crazy and Kruger would not question him and go along with it?), that little belt is so cute and probably worth millions of dollars in crystals, the mirrored shoulder pads are a little confusing to me but I’m always for creative ideas, and she just looks SO CUTE. Please, NEVER GO AWAY. Even though the Inglourious Basterds press tour is over, please just stay and look cute forever. Thank you.


So I just don’t get why women find it OKAY to wear feathers as dresses. Observe:

A skirt made of fashionable ostrich feathers? Or a catastrophe that makes the raven really wish he could peck at this until it fell to pieces and shout repeatedly at Ashanti “NEVERMORE.”?

Katy Perry


At least we know that if we’re with Katy Perry, we’ll never have to waste money on a GPS.

Ashley Tisdale


I think L. Lo. may have just found her new best friend. Perhaps they will celebrate by going legging-shopping together.

Face-off: Diane Kurger vs. Angelina Jolie

Alright, so we have it: the Kruger vs. the Jolie. Observe:

Angelina Jolie in tight leather. Um, isn’t that enough to let her win, hands down? Unfortunately not. Yes, the dress is tight and fitting and leather, but let’s face it, it’s a little dull. On the bright side, her fabulous hair and shoes compensate for it. And she’s Angelina Jolie and she’s awesome. Moving on, into the other corner:

Well, I must say Kruger, I am deeply impressed. And concerned. As supremely awesomely sparkly and texture-y her dress is, that is one backline that worries me. I am almost CERTAIN nothing will be hidden when she sits down or bends over in that dress, as pretty as her back is. But I think I’m willing to overlook that because of how much her dress makes me want to do the disco. Although it does sort of remind me of the sparkly fringe used as padding in Easter egg baskets. But she’s the Kruger, and the Kruger can make ANYTHING work, even Easter egg trimming.

Ladies and gents, I think the battle goes to Kruger.

Holly Madison

I have been staring at this screen for fifteen minutes. I cannot form any words.

I may have been speechless before, but I am seriously just babbling in the language of babies right now, I’m so lost. What…is this? I mean, it’s as if she were the Wicked Witch of the West in Playboy form, having just crash landed through a forest with twigs getting caught on her boobs, and then landed in the middle of the set of some historical Tim Burton movie. I’m not even completely satisfied with my own comparison because I don’t think it accurately describes what a mess this is. But another question to ponder is this: did she consciously choose this? My immediate answer is no, she couldn’t have. Obviously, the Wicked Witch of said West has been reincarnated in the form that is Holly Madison, realized how smacking hot her body is, ditched the old garb, and grabbed an evil dress that still played up her new and improved assets. That HAS to be it.

Mena Suvari

Oh, Mena:

This is just a helluva lot going on at once. I mean, I could make multiple insults here. I could remark on how much you resemble a vampire who is not worthy of the glamour of True Blood; I could insist you look like that bedraggled and drugged pirate who has no idea what he’s doing in Pirates of the Caribbean and belongs in some Tim Burton movie instead; I could scoff at the fact you’re wearing leggings as a type of pant which they are NOT – but I won’t. Because I think this outfit just says every insult that needs to be said for itself.

Katherine Heigl



Sienna Miller

So thank god, Sienna Miller looks totally gorgeous again:

Her G.I. Joe tour has not been particularly fashion savvy (not bad, but I know she can do better), and this just makes me heave a huge sigh of relief: SIGHHHHHH. The dress is not very resplendent, actually; but just the fact that her make-up doesn’t make her look like a Pop Tart and her hair is nice and shiny again and her dress is perfectly fine makes me happy. So, well done Sienna.

Mischa Barton

Alright, so I’m not denying it: I’m really lazy this evening so while I’m flipping through my stash of new celeb photos, I let most of them pass just because I’m too much of a lazy-ass to write anything about them. But when I saw this beauty, I knew I couldn’t let it slip away:

So, apparently Mischa Barton was attacked by the psyschopathic, black, evil, scary Spider-man on her way out of her apartment. Those web marks are SURE to leave an odd tan line from all the flashing bulbs the next morning. Although, why Spiderman would even waste time on making an already sure-fire flop even worse, I’m not sure.

Lady GaGa

OH. MY. HOLY. MOTHER. OF. GOD.This is…this is just…HOLY SHIT. I never actually thought Lady Gaga was actually gaga enough to do something like THIS:

An act of homicide against the Kermit population. This is just…inexcusable, I mean…HOLY MOTHER SHIT. HER DRESS IS MADE OF KERMIT THE FROGS STAPLED TO A LEOTARD. WHAT THE EFFF?!?!?!?! Lady Gaga has…officially gone bonkers. And I don’t mean the bonkers I always use on everyone. I mean, she is BONKERS. Who, in their right mind, would wear a MUPPET? My point exactly: Lady Gaga, is NOT in her right mind. I put up with the bubble dress, leotards, bunny-hair-bows, and crazy apeshit she’s done before, but this is just WAAAAY TOO FAR. SHE CROSSED THE LINE WHEN SHE DONNED THE FIRST KERMIT.
Lady Gaga, this means WAR.


Alright, Rihanna has officially beat Lady Gaga in the hat contest:

That is, a holey sleeping hat. As in, the kind of sleeping hats you saw all those cartoon characters wear on Boomerang. Yes, a sleeping hat. With cut outs.

Whether this is a subtle hint to her manager she’d like more shut eye or not, I’ll never know; I just know that Rihanna has just won the battle of the hats.

Halle Berry

So apparently, Halle Berry forgot to put her shirt on this morning and resulted to having to cut holes in her trash bag for arms and a head:

Well, we all have those days, right?

You’re right. I can’t make excuses for this. This is just bad.

Katy Perry

What is this? A jumpsuit, made of SATIN, in bright bright bright blue, with wallpaper flowers? Katy Perry?! What are you, auditioning for The Genie of Honolulu?! ARE YOU BLIND?! ARE YOU NOT AWARE OF HOW ATROCIOUS THIS IS?

Oh, haha, wait. This is Katy Perry. She always does things like this. Sighhhhh. I really need to get used to this.

Sienna Miller


There’s something charming about this. I think the dress is cute, in its own way. The multiple onion layers at the bottom of it confuse me a little, but I don’t think it would look any better without them. I don’t dig tights in summer (sooooo HOTTTT), but I feel as if it goes here. And I like those shoes. I really do. But do they go with the dress…? I’m not sure. I’m thinking I might pair it instead with something a more strappy, but maybe that’s just me being lazy and thinking how tiring tying up all those laces looks. I don’t know. It’s late. I just ate a whole bag of sour patch kids. Am I wrong for liking this? Tell me what you think.

Kylie Minogue


So that’s where my table cloth went. I knew it couldn’t have gone far.

Mandy Moore


“How’s it hanging, bros? This is Mandy, and guess what I’ve got for you, motherbleepers? That’s right, a brand, spankin’ new, ALBUM. THAT’S RIGHT, BITCHES. MANDY’S NEW PUNK ROCK ALBUM. I’m goin’ in a whole new direction. Forget the old Mandy; she’s DEAD. AIN’T NEVER COMIN’ BACK. THIS THE NEW MANDY. THE PUNK ASS BITCH MANDY. YEAHHHHHHHH. Check it. I even got the new look. This my new leather jacket. I named him TED. I stole TED at a bar in New Jersey. YEAHHHHH, THAT’S RIGHT BITCHES, I DRINK. I do beer. I go to bars. It’s all part of my new image, man! Better watch it. ‘Cause the new Mandy is even BETTA’ THAN EVA BEFORE. CHECK IT.”


Dammmmmn, Ciara. What happened?

First of all, it’s definitely not Valentine’s Day nor is it any occasion/holiday to be dressed in all red. On holidays, I usually say “Hey, why not? Go all for it! Go bonkers, go wild! It’s a HOLIDAY!” No. Today is not a holiday. Today, today is like any other normal day. Second of all…well, I don’t think I need to say much, but I will say this: even if it were Valentine’s Day, I don’t suspect anyone would want to be that giving and sharing. Let’s keep ‘em a little more covered than that, okay sweetie? Because I’m pretty sure everyone prefers candy hearts and chocolates to squashed boobs.

Gwyneth Paltrow

“Hi. My name is Gwyneth Paltrow, and I’m an actress. You may have seen me in my Oscar winning performance in Shakespeare in Love. And now, because I’m all rich and famous and I have a sweet husband and I can give my kids weird-ass names and I have my very own blog and I’m rich and famous, I’m allowing myself to wear dresses that are crazy-tastic and bizarre and unflattering because I CAN. Yep, just like Obama can, yes I can. I’ve got smudges on my boobs and a slash on my shoulder, but who cares. I’m rich and famous and I named my daughter Apple. GO ME.”

Sienna Miller

Well, um.

Sienna, I get that you’re proud of your G.I. Joe movie and all that and you can now afford to buy crazy expensive things, but come on.


This, this…glitzy, glamorized, concoction of a thing, this is just too much. I mean…can I just say three words?

Bling. Cheetah. Spots.

Doesn’t that really explain it all? Or will you get angry with me because they’re actually giraffe spots? Sienna! This is not okay! I can’t tell where your pants end and your shoes start! This entire looks reminds me of Mickey Rooney on crack at a Flava’ Flav cranked out party. All that’s missing is the blue shades. Well, at least your director’s got happy thoughts about this:

Now we’ll just get even better promotion!

Rachel McAdams

Oh, Rachel:

I believe there are some truly beautiful people in the world (this is all going for looks wise, mind you) and I think Rachel McAdams is one of them. I mean, dude. She's just gorgeous. Hey, silence the disagreement that's about to exit your opening jaw and don't you dare try and contradict me; you know it, and I know it, and so does everyone else who saw The Notebook. She is just too PRETTY. So it really pains me to see her like this.

I mean, I saw the Sherlock Holmes trailer today as I watched Harry Potter for the second time with my sister and I liked it. I think she looks great and pretty in it (I also might add that I think Jude Law looks insanely hot in it). In fact, she usually look great and pretty in general. And I don’t even have a huge problem with this ensemble. No; her shirt -- though a bit lose, I’ll say – is, um, interesting, she can carry off the skinny pants, and her shoes are COVET. But I just get the feeling you didn’t even try. Her hair is a frightly mess. That’s right, I just made up that word. But really. I can’t believe she would do this to not only me, but herself. PLEASE RACHEL MCADAMS -- YOU’RE SO PRETTY. PLEASE, DO US ALL A FAVOR IN THIS WORLD AND JUST SHOW IT OFF. I NEEEEEEEEEED YOUR PRETTINESS!!!

Lo Bosworth

So here are two trends I really hate: acid wash denim and all-the-way zip-ups.

And here comes Lo Bosworth, flaunting them both as clear as day right under my nose.


When I first saw this, I thought it was Fergie. Which is totally to be expected, since this mystery woman has curls and takes a completely nonsensical fashion cue like Fergie. If this were Fergie however, I would find this to be an improvement for her. The jumpsuit, although a jumpsuit, is not completely hopeless, and although those shoes will leave potentially the weirdest sunburn on the face of the planet, they have promise of being totally radically mid-blowingly AWESOME and show off her cute neon pink toe-nail polish. But then I realized, this is Beyonce.

And that just completely ruined it for me.

Chloe Sevigny

Well, usually I find leather as a complete turn-on. And yet somehow, Chloe Sevigny has managed to make it a complete turn-off to me:

Well done, Chloe. For turning me off completely to one of the porn industries biggest S&M sellers, well done.

Rosario Dawson

You know what? I’ve decided I don’t care that Rosaio’s dress looks like it was made by a secluded Indian tribe that eats nothing but bison and the elements of the universe somewhere in the mountains of Turkey. Because I just watched Men in Black 2 and remembered what a cutie-pie she is.

Kristen Bell


And Kristen Bell is a goner again. It’s just too bad she had to fall into a vat of Pepto-Bismol before coming here.

Julie & Julia

First and foremost, I must say that I am a big rom com fan.

Wait, let me clarify that: I'm a big fan of good romantic comedies.

For example: Bridget Jones's Diary? Adorable. Good Luck Chuck? I think not. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days? Delightfully cheesy. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past? Horrifically cheesy. Love Actually? ADORE. Love Guru? Hell no.

Obviously, you get the picture.

So, when I heard this movie was coming out, I immediately got my hopes up after finding out Nora Ephron wrote and directed it, seeing as she did a few of my other faves -- When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, Bewitched...just to name a few. I told myself I would see it as soon as it came out, that I would march myself down to the nearest theater and plunk myself down on opening day. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Now, practically a MONTH after it came out, I've finally gone and seen it. But boy, was it worth the wait.

Julie Powell (Amy Adams) is a less-than-average, slightly glum, cubicle worker, and the fact that she's moving into a small apartment over a pizzeria in Queens doesn't make her much happier. But at the end of the day, what always cheers her up is cooking. And having a cute husband and adorable cat doesn't hurt either. Now, everyone knows who Julia Child (Meryl Streep, at her absolute comedic finest) is: that famous, high-voiced, giant of a chef who brought a break-through to cooking with her book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. 524 recipes, purely French, all in English, happy housewives around the globe. So what happens when you combine the two of these very unlike ladies together by the force of cooking? Easy: a blog, a bestseller cookbook, mental breakdowns, and hyperactive lobsters. Julia takes cooking lessons while in Paris with her husband and begins to write a cookbook with friends, and Julie decides to cook every single recipe in said cookbook within one year and write it down in a blog.

But before I divulge myself into how feel-good and happy-happy it is, I must clarify one other aspect: Julie & Julia is not a rom com...per se. It's most certainly not what comes to mind when approaching the genre. It's not delightfully cheesy, there is no budding relationship between two lovers, no final scenes where the leading man chases down his lady at the airport to confess his love to her, no romantic montage of them picnicking, riding bikes together, or getting married; if you're looking for another Raising Helen or Just Like Heaven, this is not it. But I personally would categorize it under rom com. Is there comedy? You bet your sweet fanny bottom there is; the loud, obnoxious laughter that was sitting in front of me certainly proved that. Are there relationships? Not in the sense that you're thinking of. Julie and Julia both happen to be Mrs. Julie and Mrs. Julia, but those aren't the relationships that I think qualify it as a rom com. Don't get me wrong, Stanley Tucci and Chris Messina both prove to be wonderful husbands and good for funny-moment gags -- but I think the main relationships here are two completely different ones: the one between Julie and Julia themselves, and the one between everyone and that delicious, fantastic, and marvelous necessity that is food.

Throughout the movie, Julie is portrayed as having a very large...infatuation, I guess would be the proper word, for the 6'2'' cooking legend. She fantasizes herself talking to Mrs. Child, cooking meals for her, being a bridesmaid at her wedding, and looks up to her as a role model. In her mind, when everything around her fails to be perfect, Julia Child doesn't. Following this philosophy, she brings her life together and finds her strength (not to mention a book deal and movie contract) in the cooking that Julia brings her. Julia enables Julie to clean up her act through the beautiful art of food. Which brings us to the next relationship: food and us.

We love it. We absolutely hate what it does to us sometimes (hello, five pounds! I don't remember seeing you on the scale last night!). But let's not deny it: we couldn't live without it (and not just in the literal sense). Food doesn't just serve as a requirement for filling our stomachs; it satisfies our taste buds with scrumptious flavors, brings friends and family together (the main reason why we always huddle around the appetizers during parties), and, in some cases, gives us something to do, like cook. Whatever the case may be, we must always acknowledge this: that we, as humans, love to eat. We must also acknowledge that it is not a crime to enjoy foods and gratify our tummies. It's okay to eat that last piece of cake in the fridge. Make your stomach happy and eat that hamburger with french fries. This isn't a message to encourage the gorging of fatty foods; rather, it's the message that we should appreciate food a little bit more. Nora Ephron seems to understand this a great deal and wants to make it clear to everyone.

So, onto the typical rom com details: good, well-written relationship? Check. Burst your buttons comedy? Check. Good acting? Check and check for both Adams and Streep, Tucci and Messini, and the rest supporting cast (especially a cynical Mary Lynn Rajskub). Feel-good movie of the year? Check all the way. With this delightful and charming film, you'll leave with both a good feeling in your heart and stomach.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Kendra Wilkinson


This girl next door cleans up very nicely, doesn’t she? Maybe she’s serious about quitting her career as a playboy bunny! Actually, I’m not even sure if she’s quitting. But damn, I won’t deny that she looks good here. I really like this dress (for her), she looks clean and put together, her hair is elegant and nice, and her make-up is nice and natural! Yay! If Kendra can do it, so can Audrina! Right? Right?!

Taylor Momsen


That’s right, Li’l J. I just YAWNED at you. I’m getting BORED with you. Your craziness and so called ‘rebel-ness’ is just getting BORING. Mmhmm, I no longer find you a worthy subject anymore. Until you do something TRULY remarkable (such as going down the good path like Blake Lively or going down the bad path like Lady Gaga), I think I’m going to be yawning at you from now on.

Anna Paquin

You know Anna Paquin, I think I quite like this. No; I really like this. Even though this dress is obviously Asian-inspired, you don’t look at all like you’re about to hand me a fortune cookie that probably says something sucky like ‘Today is tomorrow’s yesterday.’ (Off note, my sister actually got a fortune cookie that said ‘You will find your fortune in another cookie.’ How pathetic is that?). You look slinky and hot and elegant and professional. Very, very good job.

Sienna Miller

So I’ve finally figured out the secret behind these uber tight jeans that I had no clue anyone could fit into besides starving 90-pound waif models from Russia: they’re leggings. See? They’re just leggings made to look like pants. They stretch and allow all body sizes to fit in them and don’t require the use of butter and Swedish masseurs. Which leads us back to our old argument about leggings as pants. Except, is it okay when said leggings look exactly like pants? I’m actually having a hard to figure this one out. Tell me: do you guys think its okay to wear leggings as pants when said leggings look exactly like pants? Or is it just always non-acceptable?

Anna Faris

Anna Faris, you are officially adorable. Please, stay like this forever, okey dokey?

Rachel Bilson

Well, this is very entertaining. Don’t get me wrong, I actually find that dress very cute. I’d it wear for say, a first date or something. It has a cute retro quality to it and makes me want to rent The Notebook again and weep over Ali’s and Noah’s passionate relationship and whine over how pretty Rachel McAdams is. Now those shoes however, make me want to rent a war movie, Platoon for instance, and do crunches and push-ups while watching Charlie Sheen bumble his way through the jungle, and enjoy the short, if not miniscule, parts with Johnny Depp. Put these two movies together and what do you get? Well, I get Ali breaking up with Noah and getting together with Charlie Sheen, except then he gets sent off to war but Ali sneaks on a plane to go with him except then she’s put in mortal danger and Willem Dafoe jumps in front of her to save her and is shot to death and does that famous throw-arms-up-in-the-air death scene and Ali realizes Charlie Sheen isn’t her knight in shining armor and it turns out Noah also followed the plane so he could keep watch on her and the two make-up and kiss passionately on the battle field right as a nuclear explosion goes off in the background. Oh yes, I know; how romantic. Obviously, you can see these two movies are not meant to be together, just like this dress and those shoes.

Kate Walsh

So I’ve literally just spent the past ten minutes trying to figure out what to write about this. I’ve been staring at this screen, slowly destroying my retinas, wondering what in this whole wide world I could say about this. Truth is, I still don’t really know. Typically, everything about this should point to me stamping this with a big fat ‘YES.’ And yet, I can’t help but think something is off about this. But I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. Quite honestly, I’m also very distracted by the logo for this movie and how the heart on the guy is…well, you know. Down there. Just…help me out on why I might/might not like this?