Friday, July 31, 2009

Lauren Conrad

Ahem. Sorry about the feet. My computer's being a jerk. Anywho:
Hey, did you guys hear about how Lauren Conrad is co-starring in a Family Guy episode, playing a genius who has to use extremely long and hardly used words? Does anyone but me notice the irony in that? I skimmed through an interview with her about it, and she said something along the lines of “I have to use a lot of big words for the part. My acting coach (*side note- for Family Guy? Really?) told me that I’d have to learn all the words so I’d really know my character.” Wow. Like I’d really pay for an acting coach to tell me that. I find it hilarious that she agreed to take the part without even noticing the irony behind it. Or, perhaps, she’s actually a super genius but just hides it and pretends to be a complete ditz and really does comprehend the joke-on-her?
Nahhh, probably not.

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